EDX of Corrosion Products
EDX of a Stainless Steel Corrosion Product
An investigation of the corrosion products and their relationship to the subsurface chemistry was undertaken. The sample was sectioned as shown to the left. Then a TEM sample was made at the surface where the corrosion product was forming. Finally EDX was performed and some STEM micrographs taken in an effort to understand the composition and cause of the corrosion at this specific site.
Left: An image taken by FIB microscopy of a piece of stainless steel after it had been exposed to a corrosive environment at 600oC.
Center: TEM image of the Stainless Steel corrosion product. The yellow square denotes the area where EDX analysis was done.
Right: EDX images of the steel sample within the yellow square to the left. The k-shell transition intensity under the bombardment of X-rays with specific energies are shown as gradations through a spectra. The top left picture denotes the intensity of transitions for the Molybdenum k-shell, the top right shows Iron, the bottom left displays Chromium, and the final image in the bottom right is a Dark-Field STEM, allowing the chemistry to be compared to grain orientation and electron attenuation.
EDX Images