Fibics Pattern
FIB Micromachining Capabilities
FIB Micromachining: Diamond Indenter Tip
The precise sectioning and imaging capabilities of FIB milling, combined with its ability to etch complex patterns (including bitmapped images) make focused ion beam microscopes the ideal tool for one-of-a-kind micromachining, or micromachining of a wide variety of materials.
In the example to the left, a comparatively flat diamond indenter tip has been FIB micromachined to produce a narrow, 100-nm diameter parabolic tip for sub-micron indentation into hard materials.
Nano-Deposition & Nano-Machining
Nano-Deposition and Nano-Machining
FIG. 1. (Above) FIB deposition can produce features 200 nm or less in thickness. FIB milling can produce even finer results. This structure required approximately 30 minutes of FIB time to produce.
Nano-Deposition and Nano-Machining
FIG. 2. (Left) FIB deposition of tungsten can produce "drill bits" and other complex structures which can be further FIB machined to a final shape.
Nano-Deposition and Nano-Machining Nano-Deposition and Nano-Machining
FIG. 3. (Two images immediately above) Production of an "AFM tip" on virtually any surface. FIB deposition of tungsten or silicon oxide can produce 200 nm or thinner columns with aspect ratios that can exceed 50:1 (left). Subsequently, these columns can be FIB machined to a point (right) with a radius of curvature less than 40 nm (inset at 0° tilt).