Additional Analytical Services
As well as our own Micrion 2500 FIB systems, FEI/Micrion VectraTM 986FC FIB, and Atomika 4500 SIMS, we have "on-site" access to the following complementary analysis
equipment and related expertise:
Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF) for Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) and Energy Filtered Imaging
Link Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) detector system capable of light element analysis & x-ray
Analytical software for phase identification using Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED) patterns
Gatan Parallel EELS (PEELS)
EDAX EDX detector
Analytical software for phase identification using Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED) pattern
Analysis point-by-point, Line-Scan or Mapping, with standard-based quantification
Encoded, computer controlled stage
Backscattered Detector
Cesium (Cs), Oxygen (O) or Argon (Ar) primary ion source
Elemental detection from hydrogen (H) to uranium (U), high mass resolving power, often at ppm or ppb detection
Operation in microprobe or microscope mode Direct Ion Imaging using CCD or RAE systems
Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (WDS) from Carbon (C) to Uranium (U)
Analysis Point-by-point, Line-Scan or Mapping, with standard-based quantification
Quantification down to tens of ppm in some specimens, better than 0.1 at.% in most
Encoded, computer controlled stage
Provides a direct, non-destructive surface chemical analysis
of all elements (except H, He) present at the outermost few atomic layers of solid
surfaces (<0.1 monolayer sensitivity or ~ 10-9 g/cm2)
Determination of element speciation (chemical forms and oxidation states) at or near the surface of materials
Argon ion sputter system to permit depth profiling studies
Fibics maintains an extensive network of partnerships with government and commercial
laboratories possessing a wide range of analytical instrumentation. We would be happy
to arrange for the use of the correct instrument, either by one of our Fibics' staff, or
by the instrument's operator under a strict non-disclosure agreement.
We can either
direct you to the instrument you require, or take care of performing the entire job
for you, including a detailed report summarizing the analysis - the choice is yours.